September 29, 2016


Post-eclipse wreckage from my hotel room in Rome.

Horoscopes for the week of September 26th through Oct 2nd, 2016



You’ve got your mind set on both career goals and relationship desires this week like it’s your job, Aries. If anyone can have both, it’s you. You’re more than willing to put the hard work in to take your status to the next level thanks to the super powers of both Pluto (and after Tuesday) Mars slaying at the top of your chart now. Competition may be fierce but is no match for you under such a hardcore influence of determination, courage and ambition. Friday’s New Moon sets a clean slate for your next six months of relationship sweetness and beauty.


Get ready to jet this week, Taurus. It’s time to get on the move. Travel fever is an understatement as you suddenly feel compelled to put your energies into expanding your horizons, both literally and internally. Mars, the mojo planet will be powering up your travel zone for the next several weeks, so get ready. As much as you love to stay grounded and consistent, sometimes you just hit a wall and have to fly. This is the perfect opportunity to finally make the break for your chosen version of paradise island. The New Moon on Friday will help you scheme up your next money-making strategy to fund the whole enterprise.


This is a big week of memorable changes, Gemini. The stars are stacking up in your transformation zone forcing you to let go of a lot of dross and get serious about your true desires. You can’t distract yourself from the truth forever. There is something that has to be faced, even if it’s just fear itself. You are ready to get your discipline back on all levels after Tuesday when the mojo man, Mars kicks into his most powerful influence for the next several weeks. Work your secret resourcefulness and slip into your favorite “taking care of business mode" for best results. Your money-making potential is high. Friday’s New Moon plants some sweet romantic potential which could develop over the next six months. Pay attention to new beginnings.


Relationships seem to be moving to the top priority slot in your world starting this week, Cancer. Both Mars and Pluto are having a power-packed say in your most intimate connections now, so there is no such thing as a “light” connection. You’re feeling rather all or nothing about your partnership potential now. If you start to feel too extreme, use the New Moon on Friday to regain some essential balance. You’ll be craving a fresh start around home or family issues under this new lunation. Set your intentions for the next six months in terms of your dream life around home and family matters.


The Moon moves through your stars on Monday to set the stage for your best. This is the week where you suddenly become obsessed with your work and daily schedule. That’s because both Mars and Pluto are amping up the stakes around what you’re doing with your current projects and even how you’re managing your time. You feel a sense of all or nothing urgency under this influence. You can get back into equilibrium easily though compliments of the New Moon in Libra on Friday. This is a gentle and sweet reminder to find the harmony between any and all extreme measures. The more balance you have in your life, the more beauty.


Your love life is getting a fabulous surge of power this week, Virgo. You’ll have not only one but two of the heavy-weight planets working for your cause both romantically and creatively. Both Mars and Pluto are doing your bidding and not taking no for an answer. Plus, you’ll have the Moon in your stars Tuesday through Thursday to support the best you of you. Plus, the stars are starting to pile up in your money zone which will hopefully translate as a pile of cash rather than a pile of bills, depending on how you’ve been playing your cards. The New Moon on Friday is the perfect opportunity to start fresh with your financial strategies over the next six months. Set your wish list for prosperity and abundance to flow to you between now and next March.


This is the week of both beginnings and endings, Libra. The earlier part of the week is about cleaning house to prepare for a fabulous new chapter on the verge of being written between now and next April. This could prove exhausting, especially coinciding with the dark phase of the Moon. Get extra beauty and sanity rest, darling. Family dramas could flare up around Tuesday due to the powerful lineup of planets in your home zone. Avoid power struggles when possible but don’t stuff away your feelings or frustrations. Your voice deserves to be heard in order to restore some of the equilibrium in your family dynamics. There’s a sweet New Moon arriving in your stars on Friday to set the stage for the next six months of beauty and balance.


Communication is the major theme of the week, Scorpio. Pay close attention to your choice of words and even your thoughts. If you can nip negativity or any future stinging action in the bud, you’ll save your relationships hella drama. You have more important things to focus on with your penetrating mind. Mars and Pluto, your two planetary guides are both amped up in your texting, talking and thinking zone this week. Just because you can see right through the fakery, doesn’t mean you have to take the hit for calling everyone out. Take note but do your own thing. A New Moon arrives on Friday inviting you to take time out from your work and other hectic schedule demands to restore the balance to your body and your life.


The stars are putting a huge focus on your money arena this week, Sagittarius. Typically, you prefer not to be bothered with the details but this week it’s in your best interest to pay close attention to the comings and goings of your cash. The two planetary ballers, Mars and Pluto are totally upping the stakes when it comes to your financial matters. Get super strategic about your goals when it comes to increasing your bank balance. You’ll have a fabulously supportive New Moon on Friday to support your long-term goals, wishes and dreams. Choose your collaborators with mega success in mind. Check back in March to see how far you’ve skyrocketed, darling.


The stars are giving you a huge personal boost both professionally and personally.Despite any normal turmoil and rebalancing going on, your confidence levels appear to be soaring. It might be one of those fake it ’til you make it kind of weeks, but you will make it—and make it big! Mars and Pluto are giving extra street cred to everything you are putting out in the world during this time. Plus, you have a New Moon landing at the tip-top of your chart giving you carte blanche with the cosmos for your career wishes over the next six months. Just be crystal clear about what you want and what you will be using it for. The stars completely have your back now.


This is the week where you finally hit the pause button, Aquarius. It’s been a long time coming but you are in dire need of major R and R, without exception and most importantly, without interruption. There’s just a lot catching up to do with your own soul and processing all of the recent changes. This requires time out from taking care of everyone else’s needs and demands, even if only for the mere span of a week. Make your self-care priority now. Pay close attention to your dreams both while awake and sleeping. The New Moon on Friday brings a breath of fresh air to your whole outlook on life. Your next big travel adventure is calling you as well. Don’t be surprised if you’re off on another adventure between now and next spring.


Friends play a major role in all of the monumental shifts taking place in your dreamy world this week, Pisces. Don’t play the martyr and refuse the support. Just because everything feels fabulous, doesn’t mean that you couldn't use a few helping hands plus some moral support to see you through. Why not get over the receiving end for a change, you’re always playing the savior role for so many in your life. Mars and Pluto could bring some powerful alliances to support your long-term plans. The New Moon on Friday initiates a lot of shedding of your old attachments. Let them go, new and more glamorous versions are on the new horizon.

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