4 week Intensive


A Jungian Deep Dive into

Self + Other 



A self-paced course packed with Jungian psychological and astrological insights to deepen your relationship and love for Self and other.  2 One-hour pre-recorded lectures weekly, a private community of Jungians, mystics, astrologers and seekers from all over the world, PDF's, Tarot spreads, journaling prompts and more with a Q + A at the end.








We'll delve deeply into key Jungian concepts and the alchemy and healing in our intimate relationships past, present and future. Please check out the curriculum below. 




  • Stages of Anima-Animus Development:Physical-Initiation-Word-Meaning

  • Anima in her 4 stages: Eve-Helena-Mary-Sophia

  • Demon Lover, Emotional Vampires, and the Animus

  • Mirror of the Self through the other.

  • Iconic Chart Examples of Anima-Animus Dynamics

  • Anima/Animus as Spiritual Inner Support

  • How they connect us to receptivity to new creative ideas

  • Positive vs. Negative Anima-Animus

  • Why anima-animus irritates the other-drags conversation to lowest level

  • Anima-Animus constellating our enterprising spirit, truthfulness, courage and spiritual profundity

  • Finding our way to intensified spiritual attitudes to life via anima-animus

  • Inner Broadmindedness to take in the suggestions of the unconscious even if they contradict our conscious opinions




  • Relationships are hospitals of the soul

  • 7th house, Saturn and Sun in relationship to commitment style.

  • Attachment theory and Commitment style

  • Elemental Needs and Desires via Fire, Earth, Air and Water in the Horoscope

  • Discover how these elements express the quality of individual experience and what is lacking, missing pieces, needs etc for fulfilment.

  • Jungian Theory and Commitment Issues

  • Love languages via Venus and Mars placements





    • Devouring or Death Mother Projections

    • Inertia, Moodiness, Regression in Relationships

    • Trying to build or find a "home" or "provider" in the partner

    • Breaking the Mother or Complex

    • Personal planets in the horoscope reflecting the parental complexes

    • Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn and the parental complexes

    • Loss of desire or sexual attraction due to interference of the parental complexes/incest taboo



    • The pull of the unconscious

    • The relationship as "3rd" entity in its own right

    • Mirroring 

    • Projecting the past experiences, disappointments, traumas and expectations on the partner

    • Unfulfilled childhood needs and the expectation-disappointment cycle

    • Attraction and Repulsion

    • Patterns and familiarity in Relationships

    • Toxicity, abuse, and the unconscious

    • Outer planets and their role in our relationship patterns, karmas and stories

    • Power dynamics, narcissism and role playing




What you are seeking is seeking you.

WORKING WITH THE DEPTHS OF THE PSYCHE AND SYMBOLIC REALM TO UNCOVER YOUR INNER PARTNER with the support of the astrological and archetypal dialogues of the soul.

Over the next four weeks, we will give you the tools to delve into your own inner depths of the Inner Marriage and understand your patterns, ptifalls, strenghts and weaknesses in the realm of relaitonships.

 You'll have a week to work with the material and segments before you receive a new video and PDF for next week's soul work assignments but can always create your own schedule as you'll have access to hte material indefinitely.  

By the end of the four weeks, you'll have developed an invaluable (and ideally ongoing) dialogue with your soul and more understanding, compassion and sovereignty in your inner and outer relationships.


"Love has more than one thing in common with religious faith. It demands unconditional trust and expects absolute surrender. Just as nobody but the believer who surrenders wholly to God can partake of divine grace, so love reveals its highest mysteries and its wonder only to those who are capable of unqualified devotion and loyalty of feeling. And because this is so difficult, few mortals can boast of such an achievement. But, precisely, because the truest and most devoted love is also the most beautiful, let no man seek to make it easy. He is a sorry knight who shrinks from difficulty of loving his lady. Love is like God: both only give themselves to the bravest knights."

— CG Jung

When you meet anyone, remember it is a holy encounter. As you see him you will see yourself. As you treat him you will treat yourself. As you” 
― Foundation for Inner Peace, A Course in Miracles

Jungian Astrologer and Psychoanalyst, Sherene Vismaya and Evolutionary Astrologer, Christina Caudill will guide you through the realm of relationships via a series of 8 video class intensives to watch on your own timing complete with soul work PDF's, Tarot spreads, rituals, meditations and more.


Tired of Speaking Sweetly (by Hafiz)


Love wants to reach out and manhandle us,

Break all our teacup talk of God.


If you had the courage and

Could give the Beloved His choice, some nights,

He would just drag you around the room

By your hair,

Ripping from your grip all those toys in the world

That bring you no joy.


Love sometimes gets tired of speaking sweetly

And wants to rip to shreds

All your erroneous notions of truth


That make you fight within yourself, dear one,

And with others,


Causing the world to weep

On too many fine days.


God wants to manhandle us,

Lock us inside of a tiny room with Himself

And practice His dropkick.


The Beloved sometimes wants

To do us a great favor:


Hold us upside down

And shake all the nonsense out.


But when we hear

He is in such a “playful drunken mood”

Most everyone I know

Quickly packs their bags and hightails it

Out of town.

The deepest work I have ever done on getting in real connection with my inner underworld , getting to the source of my discomfort and struggle and still remaining in touch with my real source... just amazing and powerful work that you gave us the opportunity to go through....all my gratitude to you both...." 

Jacqueline Mock, Switzerland

Two masterful, heart-centered, teachers join with an invitation to enter the realms of your individual deep within. Utilizing the macro of the sky to illuminate the micro of our lived experience. Explore the vast landscape of Self through many paths. They offer gentle support and encouragement, as they place a variety of tools before you to, unveil your personal mysteries. Grateful for this journey into the unknown Self."


Sherene Vismaya, M.A. is an astrologer, psychoanalyst and mystic in private practice in NYC and San Francisco and currently India for the past 22 years consulting, writing and teaching. She's been the Resident Astrologer for Elle UK since 2005, creator of Constellation Magazine and author of several books. 

She specializes in depression, shadow work, anxiety, creative blocks, eating disorders, and relationships. Sherene has pioneered her own unique approach to Jungian and somatic healing modalities combined with her background in metaphysics inspired by her yearly pilgrimages to India. 

She is the author/ co-author of several books including Speculation Now; Transpersonal Astrology: Explorations at the Frontier, & Surviving Saturn's Return (McGrawHill), Dog Stars (Penguin) and Fate of your Date (Chronicle Books). She holds a Master's Degree from New York University in Clinical Psychology, a Masters in Developmental Psychology from Pace University and post-graduate work in psychoanalytic studies from The New School and ISAP, Zurich.  Sherene teaches classes and workshops internationally.

Christina Caudill (she/her) of Radiant Astrology is an astrologer, transformation coach, teacher and ritualist. Through a synthesis of soul-centered astrology and transformational coaching, she guides clients and students through periods of transformation toward gaining clarity on their life's purpose, cultivating inner wisdom and accessing their personal power in alignment with their soul's calling.

Christina consults and teaches transformational programs integrated with astrology. She has produced and hosted numerous astrology-centered online summits including The Astrology of Awakening, The Astrology of Purpose and Power, Aquarius Rising (co-created with Sherene Vismaya) and the highly successful 2021 Astrology of Awakening II: Renewal of Hope.

Christina is a first-generation (maternal side) Filipino-American currently living on the Tutelo/Monacan people's homeland in Virginia. She hosts The Radiant Astrology Podcast on iTunes, where she explores the transformative power of astrology.




Paid in Full

4 weeks of two hourly video classes steeped in astrology and Jungian psychology.

Illustrated PDF’s

Iconic Couple chart Studies

Relationship Tarot spreads

Journaling Prompts

Q + A

And more..


4 weeks of two hourly video classes steeped in astrology and Jungian psychology.

Illustrated PDF’s

Iconic Couple chart Studies

Relationship Tarot spreads

Journaling Prompts

Q + A

And more..

Astrological Updates to Your Inbox


The P40 Podcast is devoted to furthering the conversation on Jungian psychology, astrology, art and alchemy.



New and Full Moon forecasts plus other significant astrological updates and Jungian Psychology themed discussions.