Magic and Mania:: The Full Moon in Gemini

December 12, 2016


Magic and Mania

The Full Moon in Gemini and the Mutable T-Square::

December 13, 2016

Language is the Ocean in which we live-Robert Kelly

The Full Moon in Gemini arrives on the 13th of December just days after the exact conjunction of Sun-Saturn (in the opposite constellation of Sagittarius) and just days before the Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn. No wonder our schedules, deadlines and "to-do" piles are on overload. Add in the endless distractions of social media, post-election chaos and the sea of unknowns AKA: "When is 2016 going to stop being such a bitch!" Deciphering fact from fiction, reality from illusion and the pure from the fake is no mean feat under the current tricky stars.

This particular Full Moon is in a T-square with Chiron in Pisces and the Sun-Saturn in Sagittarius. The missing leg of the T is Virgo so let's break this lunation down, Virgo style into pieces we can assimilate. The four mutable signs involved in this Full Moon can create a mix of magic, mania, and mindfulness. Look to where Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces fall in your own horoscope to see where these energies are getting constellated in your own life and psyche at this time.

Chiron in Pisces:

Chiron in Pisces reminds us of the power of the invisible realms and the poetic basis of the imagination as instruments for healing of the subtle body. The energy behind what you say or what you choose not to say can carry stronger energetic reverberations than any concrete conversation ever could. Never underestimate the power of subtle vibrations and the intentions behind the illusory consensus reality. Healing happens when the imagination has access to the to continuous present. The space of infinite possibility one drops into when surrender happens. Easier said than done. The unconscious version of this is spacing out or getting lost in your Instagram feed for hours. Chiron in Pisces urges us to be mindful of the images you ingest. So much communication is happening on a subliminal level whether we want to acknowledge the transmissions or not. Dreams are one of the purest forms of communication from our own unconscious we have, so take note. Deep healing of some very archaic and collective wounds is possible, if we can tune in which requires selectively tuning out so much of the other background noise.

Moon in Gemini:

The binary, quicksilver, here-we-are-now-entertain-us part of the mind on the move and forever in search of sound bytes, contradictions, new sources of info, random facts and figures, gossip, new vocabulary and other such mental candy. Gemini is mutable air and could converse, think, read and spin thoughts for days. The insatiable curiosity could lead one to many a newsfeed loop that sucks hours out of your day if you let the monkey part of the mind have its way. We can't watch every cute animal video on Facebook and wonder why our brand isn't blowing up. Gemini is the power of the mind to choose. Do we use our thoughts or words to create heaven or hell? Is the mind under our control or does it run us into the ground with its whims and projections? Mind over chatter!

Sun and Saturn in Sagittarius:

As mutable fire, when left to its own devices, Sagittarius would eternally roam the ends of the earth searching for truth and excitement without limit. With Saturn on the Archer's back, the "reining it in" joy kill is inevitable. Streamlining our vision and accepting the limits of time is an ongoing theme while Saturn helps our inner Sagittarius spirit to mature and prioritize our ten thousand passions.  Sagittarius helps us to walk our talk. In truth, the Sagittarius part of our psyche would love to experience everything without limitation. It's the part of us that wants to do and see it all.

Missing Leg in Virgo:

It's interesting that the missing leg of this T-square is the Virgo area of our charts. We have just a few more months of the North Node traversing through the early degrees of this sign of simplicity, purification and service. This is an excellent time to check in on our overall organization, purity, health and how much we're giving back with our work. This is how we can balance the other three areas mentioned above. Virgo is the reminder to value self-care by eating right, working efficiently, helping others, getting enough rest, and keeping our daily lives sweet and simple.

Full Moon in Gemini Ritual Suggestions:

Many of my clients ask for rituals to help them embody the Full Moon healing potential. For this lunation, I recommend a lot of free-form writing/journaling, breath work, mantra work (even if just positive affirmations or repetition of words that empower or uplift), and stretching out of the hands, arms, shoulders and wrists (Gemini-ruled part of the body). Meditation, long walks and movement in general to get out of your head is also favored now. Tulsi is an excellent herb to incorporate into your diet now to ease the mind. There are many excellent Tulsi teas.

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