Full Moon in Scorpio: Be Fearless, like the Scorpion!

May 14, 2014
Adam Ant: Scorpio Incarnate (5 planets in Scorpio-Scorpio rising)

Listen here from one who knows
be fearless just like the Scorpios
pretty, look young be fearless
like the Scorpion
Black's the colour watch the claws"-Adam and the Ants

May 14 brings us one of the most intense and karmic full Moons of the year. Get ready for more shedding and letting go. We've been working on this theme since the fall of 2012. During this potent lunation, Venus (the love planet) will square Pluto (god of the underworld) thus requiring we face our deepest shadow material if we are going to achieve the depths of intimacy we claim we want. The ancestral and karmic skeletons will no longer happily slumber away in the psychic closet with Saturn joining this potent lunation.

Depending on the level of integrity in our current intimate partnerships, this is a do-or-die Moon. Saturn will not stand for half-measures or fickle commitments. It's all about endurance and the long haul. Especially while the cosmic taskmaster is in Scorpio, we have no choice but to go deep -- or go home. This full Moon meets up with Saturn to underscore themes of digging into the depths of our  emotional guts, healing our deepest scar tissue, and having the courage to release all of the dross and stagnation that keeps us dead while alive. The Taurus side of the polarity requires embodiment and grounding. If the roots don't burrow into the depths of the earth, the upward climb is dangerous and without a supportive anchor.

We live many lives within one biography, and the annual Scorpio full Moon has a way of signifying the ending of one layer of self, one more story in our lives that began last fall. It's a reminder not to get too attached to our stories, as they are constantly changing. Scorpio is a fixed Water sign, and has the desire to hold on to an emotional experience as long as possible. This can be beautiful or devastating depending on what we are clinging to and how.

Mars rules this Full Moon and is preparing to station Direct on the 19th after spending nearly three months retrograde in his debilitation. Clarity around all that we have been reworking and re-strategizing since March 1st will crystalize as the Moon and Saturn merge in the fixed waters of Scorpio. We're also keenly aware of our desires and disappointments and how the stories have played out and re-played in all of their lovely dramatic reiterations since October 2012. The question of what or whom we wish to partner with is up for us during this strong Mars vs. Venus phase.

The Scorpio Full Moon invokes the essence of the Dark Mother Goddess Kali: urging us to release our ego's emotional grip so that we may find the courage to finally embody that which we're so afraid of losing on the outside.

If you're serious about digging into your psychic closet: join me for the next Project 40: 40 Days of Tarot! For 40 days and 40 nights you will embark on your own Hero's journey through the rich archetypal language of the gods and goddesses of the Major Arcana of the Tarot. Starts May 28th: P40:::22 Registration

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