(Airport Waiting Area)
You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore. ― William Faulkner
Just when you've reached your max on all of the darkness in the world:
Enter New Moon in Sagittarius. There's always a fabulous breaking point vibe to this New Moon. The good news can't stay back-burnered forever in this hyped-up world of negativity feeding on cheap gossip and sensationalized fear-driven headlines.
If you think Scorpio is excessive, meet Sadge! Too much is never enough until you can no longer move or breathe (or stomache hearing "I'll be home for Christmas" for yet another year of constant rotation). That's where Saturn comes in and sets limits and shows us where we have gone too far on the never-ending pendulum swing of life. It's also the sign of the "grass is greener" and wanting exactly the opposite of what we've currently got too much of. When I think of all of the time and energy wasted wanting the one thing missing from an otherwise fabulous experience... (sigh, goes my Sagittarius ascendant).
There is a massive clearing and purification going on (this Full Moon is ruled by Jupiter in Virgo and also squaring it.... the clean up your act and your health in a major way transit!) There's also a fierce inner battle underway between contraction and expansion; dreams and waking life (I can't stand the word reality); spacing out and getting embodied; letting go of attachments formed from wounded places in our psyche and clinging for dear life to the known; safety and taking bigger risks; home and the wild unknown.
I was literally grounded until the Dark Moon started waxing again due to lost luggage between Paris and Bangalore. Sometimes the planets are so literal. We just want to fly... and fly WHEN WE WANT TO FLY...but Divine Timing determines when we need to ground and when it's safe to spread our wings. This is the Sagittarius archetype at play. Saturn is putting the reins on the energy of our free-spirited, wild fire nature until 2017, so the lessons have just begun. He's also showing us when too much of a good thing really is too much. Overkill truly does exist. I never thought it possible, but I have in fact just recently maxed out on my love of travel and hotels and look forward to more grounding, regularity and routine in 2016! (A part of me just died typing that.)
Bangalore Juice Bar
Only in the darkness can you see the stars.― Martin Luther King Jr.
As always, it's not an either-or matter with these inner conflicts. The tension of the opposites is how we grow and become whole. The planetary wars simply initiate and mirror our internal struggle to embody ALL OF IT. It's the star's way of pushing us out of our fixed comfort zones and into a confrontation with the darkness requiring us to grow up and grow stronger, more flexible in our minds as we replace the rigidity of the ego with an inner landscape so vast and steeped in love that it has no problem making room for the illimitable span of inner polarities. That goes for each and every little "like" and "dislike" in our minds (Gemini) without judging and projecting our split-off pieces on to the supposed enemy "other" out there. The more we own the shadow and darkness revealed in the Scorpio phase of earlier November, the more we step into the light and truth of Sagittarius as we prepare to break on through to the other side (as a famous Sagittarian once wrote).
Life's under no obligation to give us what we expect.
― Margaret Mitchell (Saturn-Neptune square wisdom)
The Sagittarius New Moon reminds us to stay open and present to that which is arriving (rather than the flights that have long ago departed), to work our visions and have faith in our personal mission statements.... to see the silver linings, and uphold the truth with humor, warmth and the wisdom of a flexible and expansive consciousness.