Freedom is not doing whatever we want, but really wanting to do what we must.-Nietzsche
Sagittarius Full Moon Part II:
June 20th, 2016(Look to where 29 degrees Sag-Gem-Virgo-Pisces falls in your horoscope for arenas of greatest change).
*disclaimer: Sagittarius Full Moons bring out the preacher in all of us so please forgive any pushy lingo ahead of time.
Hope can be a powerful force. Maybe there's no actual magic in it, but when you know what you hope for most and hold it like a light within you, you can make things happen, almost like magic.” ― Laini Taylor
This Full Moon + Summer Solstice is like someone shining a gigantic spotlight on every half-baked truth still lurking in the recesses of our unconscious and collective unconscious. Like why are guns still legal after countless tragedies that could have been prevented? The Full Moon falls at the very last degree of Sagittarius, AKA the nowhere to run and hide degree. It's called "Mula" as in Muladhara or the "root" chakra as the 19th lunar mansion in Vedic Astrology. It's where we insist on getting to the very bottom of things. We're fed up. We want to uproot all of the BS and start again. We long to rekindle our faith in the face of so much collective chaos and darkness.
In this way there arises a consciousness which is no longer imprisoned in the petty, over sensitive, personal world of the ego, but participates freely in the wider world of objective interests. The widened consciousness is no longer that touchy, egotistical bundle of personal wishes, fears, hopes, and ambitions which always has to be compensated or corrected by unconscious counter-tendencies; instead it is a function of relationship to the world of objects bringing the individual into absolute, binding, and indissoluble communion with the world at large.–Carl G. Jung (1916/1928/1935). The relations between the ego and the unconscious.
This upcoming Full Moon on Monday is a time when polarities get extremely exaggerated. The Sun and the Moon are not only in total opposite signs of the zodiac but they are falling at the every last degree of Gemini and Sagittarius which is also known as the Galactic Plane. It's like a portal for very intense energies to come through and uproot our negative tendencies and lack of consciousness. Many creation and destruction stories are born from these stars. The Summer Solstice and a Full Moon on the Galactic Plane converging on the exact same day --this is not an ordinary June Full Moon to be sure. No wonder our psyches are getting stretched beyond the maximum capacity. Sometimes too much light is too painful.The birth of a new consciousness can hurt like hell and feel like such a rude awakening from our old comfort zones, even the ones that were killing us. It's like wanting to crawl back into the womb, even though it was cramped and ridiculously limited in scope, coming out into the fluorescent lights of "reality" isn't always a picnic either.
We need the balance between the light and darkness, the night and the day. Like the High Priestess, the Goddess who sits serenely between the two realms, the two pillars of Dark and Light....Can we find this same space of equilibrium? Holding the tension of the opposites? Not praising one while condemning the other?
Nearly every problem in life can be solved by inhaling and exhaling…with awareness.—Buddha
It's a glaring reminder of the urgency to take our meds before someone gets hurt. Ideally in 2016, the meds would include first and foremost some form of meditation, deep breathing and journaling. We’re forced to confront our own paradoxical nature as well as our dualities and contradictions--as painful as it is. Where do we say one thing and do another? Where do we talk out of both sides of our mouth and still feel clueless about where the real truth resides? You know those conversations or emails you have with an ex where you end up trying to love and hurt at the same time. That’s where Sadge comes in: we are forced to confront the cross your heart and swear to die level of truth and uproot the contradictions. A famous alchemy quote about truth (Sadge is the archetype of alchemy as well) says it all:
But the truth is that from which nothing can be missing, to which nothing can be added, nay more, to which nothing can be opposed.--Dorn
Confronting inconvenient truths and nixing convenient lies. Write down the three biggest lies you are still telling yourself or others about yourself? And then ask yourself what it will take to change your story. This is an excellent time to monitor current self-talk. If it includes any of the following: ugly, fat, stupid, lazy, or loser—take Lotus pose or Savasana at once! We can’t afford to keep running the same self-abusive thought patterns and expect our relationships, health and lives to flourish. Gemini-Sagittarius archetypes remind us of the power of words and intentions. It’s not just what you say—it’s the thought and more importantly the energy of the intention behind the thought that leads to the words spoken. And the words lead to the actions that create the karmic seeds for the next round on life’s great Wheel of Fortune.
Trying to control the mind is like trying to dry out the ocean or catch the wind. --Amma
Feeling more distracted and scattered than you ever thought humanly possible?
Watch the video on the Full Moon Here:
There was a time when we loved people and used machines…now we love machines and use people.—Amma
I don’t know about you, but my brain is starting to organize itself in hashtags. Cannot even begin to describe the agony and anguish that is going into forcing myself not to just turn this into a quick fix Instagram photo, status update or 5 Tweets (which would probably be the smarter idea considering there may only be a handful of people left on this earth with the attention span to actually focus for an entire paragraph and they probably aren’t following, liking or thumbs-uping.)
This Full Moon highlights how the immediacy and boundary-exempt reality that our high tech world provides has paradoxically ripped away our ability to be present, focus and appreciate that the good things in life take time. As Ammachi says: If we try to force open a flower before its time to blossom, we will destroy all the fragrance. And the same happens when we lose patience for the process and kill all the beauty because we reverted again to iCrack urgency mode and couldn’t download the app or the relationship fast enough.
Look around and see how easily people channel the Dark Lord the second the speed of the Wifi connection slows down or they have to wait for their side of Stevia. And if you really want to witness a demonic possession—disconnect someone’s modem, or put them on hold for more than 50 seconds.
Three D’s that destroy us when we stop evolving: Doubt, Depression and DenialThey kill our ability to trust ourselves, trust life and trust that actually everything is going to be all right. Sagittarius is the sign of faith, optimism and truth. When we go into doubting mode, what happens? We run around collecting second opinions, abusing our oracles and going into feedback overload in a vain attempt to alleviate our fears. We don’t trust and we begin a frantic search for the answer out there. We revert to our Gemini minds looking for the immediacy of reassuring sound bytes the mind can attach to. This is when we need to sit down, stop running at the Gemini mouth, power off the gadgets and ground back into the body. Mantras and affirmations are excellent to replace negative mind grooves. Actually many of us have mantras already that we’re using but sadly they are more like the rants of an abusive partner beating us down to make sure we’ll never leave them, or some insane preacher speaking in tongues.
CHANGE THE CHANNEL:We easily become our mental habits. What is the story you tell yourself? Where do you spend most of your mental energy? What do you regularly obsess about? Just a little time of sitting in meditation will reveal the answers to these questions. And most importantly what feelings are you avoiding by obsessing about something else?In one of my favorite meditation classes, the Swami said that the moment we start to think our spine bends (let alone the now classic hunchback texting body posture). Sagittarius is about expanding our mindset. Opening the mind is easier said than done which is why Sagittarius is associated with travel. By changing the details of our daily routine, we can change our thinking. Childhood wounds play a huge part in the negative side of the drama we create in our mind and spin out into our reality. Look to where you keep recreating the same scenarios that only serve to reinforce limiting beliefs about yourself and the world.
Since Sagittarius is literally associated with gurus, please indulge my Guru quoting bender here. Amma also says we need alarms of awareness and discrimination before negative thoughts have a chance to destroy us. Especially anger. When we’re angry we release poisonous vibrations into our cells and the atmosphere. After a huge fight, doesn’t your body feel like it’s suddenly contracted every form of Cancer and autoimmune disorder known to humankind?
The trickster is making several appearances compliments of the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Gemini (until Friday) and the North Node and Jupiter in Virgo ruled by Mercury. Words can be mighty tricky, so try to see beyond all of the details and get back to the bigger truth, bigger picture. Don't believe the gossip or buy into the cheap version of the story. Sadge says we must do the research. Words are the swords in the Tarot for good reason. They can easily harm, distract and put us in the defense zone. Marianne Williamson has a teaching on this too. When we feel we need to defend something we give it power and make it more real than if we had ignored it altogether. Just let it go. The other teaching is: Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?
Jupiter & The Wheel of Fortune:
Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter and is associated with the Wheel of Fortune archetype in Tarot. While we're still riding the wheel of Samsara, if we hold fast to the center we can avoid the feeling of getting dragged through the inevitable ups and downs of karmic cycles like a dead animal stuck to the rubber of the tire instead of the "Ramble on" like a good Led Zepplin song, in the center of the hub approach.
Sagittarius is the big-breakthrough sign. Sadgies likes everything super-sized. This is the second Full Moon in Sagittarius for 2016 and since Saturn also rules this domain there are huge philosophical themes and teaching to be had. Embrace those moments of killer self-realization and unexpected fortune. The Fortune archetype says: If miracles aren’t happening in your life, something is wrong. What does fortune mean to you? What’s standing in the way? Make a list of all of the mental obstacles and obstructions that prevent you from believing that something miraculously huge could happen in your life. And then keep your eyes open for unexpected gifts and possibilities. Speak your peace. When you own your truth, there is no need to manipulate or be manipulated.
Think Free Bird, baby!
Get deep into the Gemini-Sagittarius lessons in your own chart with some one-on-one Jungian-based astrology work with me. Book a Session Here