New Moon in Aries: March 30, 2014
Because we do what we gotta do real well. And we've got the fever to tell--Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Tomorrow's New Moon in Aries is a time to rethink our triggers and watch what still has the power to send ego, mind or body into rage. This New Moon joins up with Uranus, the sign of breaking through or breaking down. The ruler of Aries, Mars is still retrograde in Libra (sign of partnerships, equality and justice) and opposing the waxing phase of the Aries Moon over the weekend. This is sure to bring some heated polarities to the table in our one-to-ones. Which side of the fence are you on? Compromising and working through.... or do you set fire to what's no longer working and run as fast as you can the other way screaming Eminem's lyrics to "That's just the way I am".. ?
This New Moon is also setting off the Grand Cardinal Cross energy which perfects on April 24th. We're literally on the cross, Hanged Man style..with no choice but to surrender to having the cardinal points in our chart stretched about as far as they will go.
Let's break down the cross:
Our most desperate longing for home and nurturing, to have our feelings heard and acknowledged (Jupiter in Cancer) opposing our need to build something lasting, with integrity, of good quality and structure or to destroy anything that isn't in alignment with our integrity (Pluto in Capricorn) ....squaring our need to run wild, remain primitive, daring, alive, physical and in touch with our most raw, core, infantile and rebellious self (Uranus in Aries) opposing our need for graceful partnering, companionship, collaboration, beauty, connection, justice, peace and harmony (Mars in Libra). Throw that in the alchemical alembic and watch it cook!
... And how to manage all of this while Mars is not only in his sign of detriment, but Retrograde until May 19th?
This is our time to really get the Libra side of this volatile GCC (Grand Cardinal Cross) equation down. To master the art of relationships and the art of war with our own weaknesses.
Please take advantage of this powerful New Moon and join us for the next round of Project 40:::21: where we will be dedicating 40 days and 40 nights throughout this GCC to evolve into a more conscious relationship with Mars. We will be delving into all that triggers us, blocks our instincts, throws us off balance, weakens our resolve, damages our relationships and sets fire to our best intentions.
Tomorrow is the last day to join:
Project 40:::21: Mars & the Art of War