
Anima Animus dialogues

Starts September 18, 2020


40 DAYS OF deep dialogue between

spirit + matter


shadow + light.

sun + moon

the inner marriage 

With Sherene Vismaya,  Jungian Analyst & Astrologer

 Katelan Foisy, Artist and Occultist & Gary P. Caton, Astrologer & the Hermetic Podcast.

We start our next 40 day journaling + ritual intensive right on the magical day of the fall equinox. this is one of the most potently perfect opportunities for INTEGRATING MASCULINE AND FEMININE, spirit and matter and improving our relationships both inside and out. Through our deepest inner dialogue, we unlock our authentic voice and the bridge between the unconscious and conscious through the inner "other." 

Our opening circle starts September 18 to incubate our intentions together and allow the dream material to awaken and guide. Next, we begin the 40-Day journey on September right on the first day of the Equinox. Working with this energy consciously brings us into a profound confrontation with the Self, our voice, instincts and perceptions without filter. Unconscious anima/animus can lead to indecision, anxiety, overthinking, nervousness, poor communication and distracted attention, bad moods, black or white thinking, self criticism and major artistic blocks. Sherene and Katelan have designed this 40-Day journey to show you the way to communication and mindful mastery via a combination of psychological, metaphysical and ritual healing tools. 



Are you tired of fighting yourself?

Is your inner dialgoue, push-pull exhausting?

Would you like to transform your relationship patterns?

Is your inner dialogue brutal? 

Do you change your mind frequently?

Do you struggle with courage?

Are you helplessly indecisive at times?

Do you want to break out of laziness?

Do you feel prone to taking on other people's projections and lose yourself?

Do you spin out with thought loops and overthinking?

Do you have a tendency to change your mind and the second-guess your decisons?

Do you fear commitments?

Do you struggle with creative blocks due to a harsh inner critique?

Do you have writing blocks yet know you have so much to say?

Do you struggle finding the words? 

Do you wish to let go of your biggest communication blocks?

Would you like to unblock your creativity and authentic voice?

Do you wish to be more flexible in your thinking and ideas?

Do you want to be more articulate in thought, word and action?

Do you crave more structure and discipline in your life?

Do you want to have a more conscious relationship to your choice of words?

Do you tend to avoid writing or speaking engagements?

Do you want to strengthen your talents and creativity?

Do you want to become a person of your word?

Are you ready to integrate your shadow. 

Do you repress or fight your desires?

Do you wish you could be more objective?

Are you attracted to men or women who remind you of the negative qualities of either your mother or father?

Do you struggle with personal agency or autonomy?

Do you need more movement in your life?

Do you wish to have a greater connection to the unconscious mind?

Do you crave more mystery in your life?

Are you ready to work with your shadow to avoid polarizing your inner opposites?

coming home to wholeness:

When animus and anima meet, the animus draws his sword of power and the anima ejects her poison of illusion and seduction.-Carl Jung


Spirit without matter is murderous
Our change in consciousness changes those around us.

Integrating the inner anima-animus, shiva-shakti, yin-yang is the path to mediation between the conscious and unconscious life. The path to wisdom, authenticy and inner union.

P40 is a unique alchemical healing journey lived in real time where daily emails are delivered right to your inbox with real-time insights, messages and inspiration from your experienced and compassionate guides. Each message is overflowing with rich imagery, quotes, rituals, journaling quesitons, tarot spread prompts, Jungian psychology insights, astrological weather correlations and teachings and whatever omens, synchronicity or messages appear for the Temenos (sacred circle) on that particular day. The level of transformation from the magical container that is the alchemical alembic of Project 40 is deeply healing and transformative because the work is uniquely deep and authentic. There is nothing "formulaic" or "quick fix" in this process. Many return to this work because the level of growth and deepening into Self is invaluable.

Uniting our inner anima and animus is what brings together spirit and matter within. We are part animal and part human. The Black Madonna, Kali, Sophia or any form of the Dark Goddess hows us the way through the shadow, through the density of matter into our firecest light. Consciousness in our bodies, in the earth and our relationship to both. Wisdom comes through our very own cells. We learn to love our "crooked neighbor with our own crooked heart" as Auden says rather than on an idealized illusion that isn't human and is based on a rejection of the shadow. The energy in matter wants to be released and made conscious. This program is designed to bring us into a daily dialogue with spirt and matter. 


With Neptune squaring the North Node in the sign of Gemini, we are being asked to integrate our opposites on the most subtle level for the wellbeing of ourselves and the entire planet.  


"When animus and anima meet, the animus draws his sword of power and the anima ejects her poison of illusion and seduction."- Carl Jung



  • Embodiment

  • Slowing Down

  • Intuiting from the gut

  • Soul speak

  • Receptivity

  • Flow

  • Wisdom

  • Honoring and Valuing Emotions

  • Internal Work

  • Meditation, Introspection Contemplation Practice


  • Relatedness

  • Reading Moods

  • Shifting Inner Landscapes 

  • Cooking

  • Creating

  • Movement  

  • Releasing Anima Possession 

  • Conversations with OlderWomen

animus:: THE MEDICINE:

  • Connecting Mind to Spirit

  • Follow Through

  • Direction in Life

  • Mantras

  • Mindfulness

  • Flexbility of Ideas

  • Boundaries

  • Honing your Talents

  • Decisiveness

  • Self-Agency

  • Independence

  • Objectivity

  • Writing

  • Study

  • Purpose

  • Nobility

  • Courage

  • Protectiveness


“Old Mother God, Old Father God— they keep us trapped. And we do give up. We pull the covers over our head, and go back to sleep. Only to dream of old dragons, old alligators, old crocodiles drinking our blood. To dream of cold-eyed lawmakers saying, This is the way it's always been done. It works. It will stay this way. And you will obey.” 
― Marion Woodman



The Inner Marriage

Reunion betwee Body and Spirt.

P40:: 2.0:

anima-Animus dialogues

Imagine the power of delving into your inner world on a daily and nightly basis for 40 Days and 40 Nights--supported by rituals, insights, and community!


“Everybody has a little bit of the sun and moon in them. Everybody has a little bit of man, woman, and animal in them. Darks and lights in them. Everyone is part of a connected cosmic system. Part earth and sea, wind and fire, with some salt and dust swimming in them. We have a universe within ourselves that mimics the universe outside. None of us are just black or white, or never wrong and always right. No one. No one exists without polarities. Everybody has good and bad forces working with them, against them, and within them.



The Project 40 experience has been so deep and so profound for me that I'm finding it difficult to come up with words. I've been participating in Project 40 for 9 years now andI have become addicted to the protective circle and liminal quality of being in Temenos, being able to bare my soul and be as honest with myself and the group as I feel drawn to. Sherene creates a safe bubble around us and encourages us to be as bold, messy and naked as we dare. There have been some P40's where I have gone very deep into inner reflection, and others where I've played around more on the surface level, and all of my experiences and expressions have been honored and validated. Project 40 works on you on so many levels, but, like anything else, the more you put into it, the more you get out of it. I think perhaps the biggest reason I get pulled back into Project 40 again and again is because of the magical world that is created within it. Our world can feel so black and white and hard sometimes, and Project 40 reminds me that magic is everywhere and all I have to do is open my eyes so I can see it. 

Shivani Bignell, Bend, oregon

It's hard to put into words how amazing p40 is and the last one was extra amazing for me (it's my fifth I think). I think the journaling questions along with the archetypes just gave us a tremendous amount of material to work with. It was a very creative process. And the icing on the cake is just receiving the daily emails and reading about how your lives were intersecting into the whole thing. It was just fantastic! You're really sharing amazing gifts! Probably the most powerful part creatively for me were the meditations. I really took a deep journey each time and it opened my mind and eyes.


Roxanne Kennedy, Los Angeles

The inner marriage:


We are all living the crucifixion between matter and spirit now as we are being asked to hold the tension of the opposites. Our inner animal wants what it wants but at what cost? How do we hold the tension until the rage can finally surface? The grief can unthaw? The fear can find its voice? How do create this new paradigm we know is essential to our suvival on this planet? The new has a way of sneaking up on us from behind when we least expect it, but here we are. How do we emerge out of the intense either-or polarities splitting our world into chaos and violence. The shadow scapegoated onto the "other." The Inner Anima-Animus Dialogues brings us into a dialoge that allows for "both-and" integration of the opposites. By holding the tension of the opposites, a third is born. The solution, the resolution, the answer we hadn't thought of or considered which perfectly unites the tension within without sacrificing either. That ever elusive common ground that lives within us can be sought through vigorous and consistent communication between our inner divine masucline and feminine, especially those pieces which have fallen into shadow. When we embody the shadow, we become empowered. No longer is there any need to judge the other. When we learn to understand and forgive ourselves at the deepest level, the healing of the "other" happens automatically. Compassion opens up. All of the wounding and suffering in our lives is what teaches us to love. 



Sherene Vismaya, M.A. is a Jungian Analyst and astrologer in private practice for the past twenty years. She's been the resident astrologer of Elle UK for the past fifteen years. She specializes in depression, anxiety, creative blocks, life transitions, eating disorders, and relationships.

She is the author of several books including: Speculation Now; Transpersonal Astrology: Explorations at the Frontier; & Surviving Saturn’s Return (McGrawHill). She holds a Master’s Degree from New York University in Clinical Psychology, a Masters in Developmental Psychology from Pace University and advanced graduate work in psychoanalytic studies from The New School and The Jungian Institute, ISAP, Zurich. She is currently based in India but teaches workshops internationally on metaphysics, authentic movement, tarot, astrology and dreamwork. She currently resides and works out of her home in India on the sacred grounds of  Amritapuri/Kali Temple of the Divine Mother in Kerala, India.

Katelan V. Foisy is a visual artist, writer, and occultist who specializes in vintage style mixed media art and photography. Her illustrations are featured in the Sibyls Oraculum with Tayannah McQuillar, Inner Traditions/Simon & Schuster 2018. Chaos of the Third Mind with Vanessa Sinclair is set for 2020 from Fulgar Ltd, UK.  Her art is featured in William Patrick Corgan's solo album Ogilala, merchandise for the tour, and backdrops as well as Smashing Pumpkins Shiny & Oh So Bright tour.

She has displayed at The Worcester Art Museum, Ohio History Museum, Mae West Fest, Last Rites, MODA, Museum of Contemporary Art DC, as well as the A&D gallery in London. Katelan has written for Motherboard/VICE,  Electric Literature, Luna Luna, ERIS Magazine,  Fenris Wolf, and COILHOUSE. 

An occultist with over 20 years experience, Katelan is often called on by companies such as BBC America, Swarovski and the CFDA to participate as a trusted reader for large events. She resides in Chicago and travels regularly.

Gary P Caton is an Hermetic practitioner integrating diverse traditions, art forms and practices gathered from his spiritual quest over a full Saturn cycle. Initiated an astrologer by a magnificent dream, he’s since become an accomplished counselor, writer, podcaster, teacher, photographer and mage. An inveterate traveler and natural storyteller, Gary enjoys the alchemy of listening to people’s stories, assisting in investigating and breaking apart the existing patterns, and weaving them back together with new insight, medicine and practical cunning. 

P40: THE ANIMA-ANIMUS DIALOGUES 3 installments of $100 each

















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