Eclipses are excellent times to revamp the daily structures in our lives that create the foundation for future success. Time management, self-care, and keeping a clutter-free schedule.
Sigils and energetic release.
Katelan will share time travel techniques Stabilization ritual. Balance after the storm. Creating balancing between the spiritual and physical.
Here we will hone in on what needs to go! We all talk a good game about relinquishing that which no longer serves us, but are we ready to truly release that grip? It takes ritual, support and planetary timing. We are blessed with the opportunity to employ all three during this potent eclipse season
Katelan will teach us how via CHORD CUTTING AND KARMIC CLEANSING ritual. Cutting chords with any energetic vampires that may still be hanging on.
We will focus on the inner working of our dreams. Even if you haven't been able to recall a specific dream during the 7-Days, you can work with the last one that you can recall or even a recurring dream image. We will share techniques to help you recall your dreams in the future and to work with them as a means of opening up the dialogue with your unconscious.
Katelan will reveal a STAR VIBRANCY ritual. High Frequency shifting, tapping into abundance and joy
Here we will work herbs, tinctures, essential oils, and some specific movement, meditation and somatic techniques to heal the body during and between eclipse cycles.
Katelan will share her Shifting Frequencies Meditation and Ritual. Day two of High Frequency shifting focusing on changing the course of direction.